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What to Expect

As a Mobile Massage Therapist, I come to your home. I bring all of the specialised equipment - you just need to provide two large towels.


Whether you are a massage veteran or new to it (through a loved one nagging you to get a massage), it's helpful for you to know what to expect from a session. Here, you will find a breakdown of the treatments. Massage jargon explained.


Before your treatment, you'll be contacted to find out if you able to have a massage. There are some occasions when massages can't take place (read more about Total Contraindications below).


Each treatment will start with a consultation. In this chat, I like to find out how you have been, what you are expecting, and what you need. This includes any historical treatments and what you're working towards. Lower back pain, headaches, and other chronic pains? This is your chance to talk them through with me. 


We can chat through the routine and your priorities and I do my best to meet your needs.


Sessions come in 1-hour, 90-minute, and 2-hour blocks. Get in touch with me directly if you need 90-minute or 2-hour treatments.

Which Treatment?

Everyone is different and has their own needs. If you're not sure what you might need, get in touch.

Full Body Massage

A fantastic massage for relaxation. This massage allows you to fall into a deep state of rest and relaxation. If you struggle to sleep, this is the ideal massage for you. Looking for more pressure, opt for a Deep Tissue Massage.

Deep Tissue Massage

This massage involves more pressure. During your pre-treatment consultation, you can share areas that might be problematic, sore or tight. For muscle tightness and injury rehabilitation, stretching and mobilisation can also be included.

Pregnancy Massage

If you are pregnant, you will require a massage that has been carefully and specifically designed to cater to your stage of pregnancy. If you're an expecting mum who has experienced discomfort or a lack of sleep, this treatment is ideal for you. 

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